Students at Darland High School in Rossett have donated food and household essentials to support families in Wrexham that are impacted by the cost of living crisis. 

The school in Rossett began supporting Wrexham Foodbank in 2019 and has since donated over 2,600kg of food and household items to the charity. 

Lisa Easton, assistant headteacher, said: “It started small; in 2019 we changed the focus of our non-uniform days. Instead of donating £1, we asked students to donate an item of food or an essential household item.

"The first year, we used a small pastoral room for the collection, and the Foodbank supported with collection boxes. For the last two years we’ve had to move the collection point to the Assembly Hall, as students and families have donated hundreds of items to support the local community the pastoral space is no longer big enough.”

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This year the school has donated over 768kg of food and household items to support local families and headteacher Joanne Lee is proud of the charitable spirit of the whole community.

She said: “Although we are a large school community with high expectations and high records of achievement, we know that education is so much more than examination success. We are responsible for academic and social education; we also have a responsibility to support the personal growth of children as they move towards adulthood."

She added: "We hope our contributions have helped families when they have needed it and made the daily family costs a little more manageable.”

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“Wrexham Foodbank has been very supportive of our initiatives, the staff have always been so welcoming and helpful. They provide us with up-to-date lists of required items which we share with children and their families in advance. The Foodbank is very well run and provides a much-needed boost to many families.”

Andrew Clarkson, deputy head, hopes that the efforts of the school will have an impact on families throughout Wrexham. 

He said: "The cost of living has increased for all families, and this is one way our school community can support families, the local community of Wrexham and show students that even the smallest of contributions can have a positive impact when we all work together. "