A man who got into a frozen Wrexham lake to save a dog that had fallen in has spoken about his decision.

Carl Roberts, 56, from Wrexham, was walking with his partner Katie through Acton Park when he spotted a dog on the ice on Sunday (January 22).

That dog was a schnauzer called Jo Jo, and Carl noticed there was a section of the lake that was not frozen and said his “heart just sank”.

Jo Jo fell in while chasing seagulls and as time passed, the dog was still in the water as he couldn’t get out due to the ice being thin, and his owner was in the water up to her waist trying to get him out.

READ MORE: Man taken to hospital after jumping into frozen lake in Wrexham to save dog

Carl said he spoke to other passers-by who all didn’t think the dog was going to be able to get out of the water so Carl walked around the lake and could see it was solid near the duck houses.  

He walked across the lake until the ice got thinner and then got onto his stomach to get near the dog.

The Leader: Carl can be seen on his stomach trying to save Jo Jo, who is wearing a yellow coat in the waterCarl can be seen on his stomach trying to save Jo Jo, who is wearing a yellow coat in the water (Image: Ffion Griffiths)

He said: “I grabbed the dog, and he had a coat on, and I threw him and he skidded across the ice like a bowling ball bless him. I wanted to make sure he got to the thick ice and he was safe.”

The ice continued to break around carl as he attempted to make his way back out of the water, saying that he “didn’t panic”.

He said that while he knew it was a “stupid act”, he didn’t get into the water until the fire service had been rung and they were on their way, so he knew he could get help.


The firefighters arrived, having initially been rung for the dog, and were not aware there was a person in the water when they arrived - but got him out to safety.

Others came together to get him warm with ladies giving him their jumpers and neighbours giving out hot drinks.

An ambulance then arrived for Carl and, with his body temperature dropping, took him to A and E while keeping him warm. Carl said he was fine within an hour and felt back to normal.

He said: “The only thing I’ve got is the tips of my fingers are numb from gripping the ice. Other than that, I’m absolutely fine.”

Carl said he was in the water for no longer than ten minutes and was told off for going in by his partner, though ultimately she understood why he had done it.

Both Carl and Jo Jo are now fine, and Jo Jo even paid a visit to Carl to say thank you.

The Leader: Jo Jo and Carl Jo Jo and Carl (Image: Carl Roberts)

Carl has also thought back on the situation, and said: “I’ve done a lot of thinking about if, god forbid, I ever came across that again, I would do things slightly differently.”

Carl has thanked the members of the public, the fire service, and paramedics for helping him.

Carl has been praised by many on social media, though North Wales Fire and Rescue Service have issued advice on what to do in these situations previously.

They said: “Remember – if you see someone is in trouble in the water, call 999 and ask for the fire and rescue service in inland waters or the coastguard at the coast.

"When someone’s struggling in the water, the instinct to jump in and help can be overwhelming, but it can quickly lead to tragedy without the right training or equipment.

"The water is unpredictable and a rescue for one can very quickly become a search for two. Stay on land and make the right call – call 999.”