Plaid Cymru has chosen a new representative to contest Wrexham for the Westminster seat.

Councillor Becca Martin, who represents Acton and Maesydre on Wrexham Council, was selected to contest by Plaid Cymru's Wrexham constituency.

Cllr Martin is a 35-year-old who works in a jewellers in the city centre and lives in Wrexham with her partner and young son Charlie.

She has outlined her priorities and aims for the coming months. 


Cllr Martin said: "Wrexham is my home. It's where I was born and I’m proud to be raising my family here.

"Plaid Cymru is proud to stand by our nurses, posties and other local workers on the picket line. They've been there for us in the pandemic and they now need us to show some solidarity and real support - claps don't pay the bills.

"I'm also proud that Plaid Cymru has been able to offer practical support for thousands of local families with a programme of free school meals for our primary-school children."

Cllr Martin said her priority in this election would be to focus on saving the NHS: "I'm asking people to break with the past and think of the future.

"If we want a real voice for Wrexham in London, there’s only one way to get it. That's by voting for what you really believe in, vote for Team Wales and vote Plaid Cymru every time."