HAPPY New Year! 2023 is finally here and it is a chance for people to wipe the slate clean and set their minds to new challenges and commitments. 

With New Year, comes New Year's resolutions, so we asked Leader readers to share with us what they hope to achieve in 2023.

Paula Fiona Howell said: "Pass my driving test."

Shelia Owen added: "Concentrate on myself and make more memories with my kids."

Marilyn Jones said: "To be happy and healthy."

Stuart Perry posted: "Be healthy and have a laugh."

Sharon Ouslem added: "Join Slimming World (again) and retire."

Marilyn Stevenson commented: "To stop swearing, but not holding out any hope that it will happen."


Nicola Griffiths said: "Stop biting my nails."

Layla Braisdell responded: "To cook more at uni!"

Debs Nebore added: "My promise to myself is to make sure my family and friends can rely on me."

Rick Newman posted: "To carry on regardless." 

Sue Loundes commented: "To be better than last year."