Looking for inspiration?

We all know how hard it is to choose a good book. However, if you have a social media account on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, we can help you choose your next read. We regularly post photos of themed book displays from all of our libraries, as well as book reviews, suggested reading and other related book topics. Follow us on: Facebook - Wrexham Libraries | Llyfrgelloedd Wrecsam; Twitter - @WxmLibraries | @LlyfrgellWcm; Instagram - wrexlib

Top tips for saving money

If you need to buy a new fridge, cooker, camera, printer, light bulb, phone and more, how will you know whether the model you're buying is better than the others? Are you getting value for money? Is the most expensive one better than a cheaper one? Why not check up in advance? Visit Wrexham Library to read a Which? report about the product you wish to buy and select a model based on the results of extensive tests. It's a good place to start and you could save yourself pounds.

Creative writing group in Chirk Library

Creative writing is the ability to evoke the senses through description, style and individual character. If you would like help to develop your own distinctive style and engage with your imagination then why not join us at Chirk Library on the first Friday of every month where there are two creative writing classes, 10.30am-12.30pm and 2pm-4pm. Tea and coffee are provided for a small charge. For more details call the library on 01691 772344.

Flying Start/Chatterbox at Brynteg Library

Come along to our weekly story song and rhyme sessions for Flying Start parents and children aged 0-2 years. There's never a wrong time to sing and share a story with your child, it encourages speech, listening and social skills. These sessions take place every Monday, 1pm-2pm, are free of charge and are for Flying Start Families.

Creative Crafts at Ruabon Library

Come and join us at Ruabon Library on the second Wednesday of the month for craft sessions for adults. Each month we will look at doing something different, so why not come along and learn some new skills. These free sessions start at 2.15pm and include tea and coffee.

Book Review

Pridd gan Llyr Titus


Pridd by Llyr Titus

Pridd by Llyr Titus


Dyma gyfrol ryddiaith gyntaf Llŷr Titus ar gyfer oedolion. Bywyd hen ŵr o gefn gwlad Llŷn sy'n cael ei bortreadu yn y nofel a hynny drwy gyfrwng y tymhorau sydd mor annatod i fyd amaethyddiaeth. Mae'n stori sy'n berthnasol i bawb sydd â chysylltiad â chefn gwlad. Yr hyn sy'n cyfoethogi'r gyfrol yw nad at arferion bob dydd y gymdeithas honno y cyfeirir atynt ond at feddyliau a theimladau pobl – cawn glywed be sy'n corddi'r isymwybod. Mae'r cyfan yn drist o gyfarwydd. Mae hynny'n gweddu i gymeriad yr hen ŵr gan nad yw'n un sy'n barod iawn i ddatgelu ei deimladau. Yn gefnlen i'r cyfan mae'r tir, natur a rhod y tymhorau, a does dim dianc rhag y llwynog sy'n llercian. Yn araf y down i adnabod y bobl sydd wedi bod yn rhan annatod o fywyd yr hen ŵr ac am ei berthynas gyda'i ddiweddar wraig, gan sylweddoli pam mai "cyd-fyw ar wahân" oedd y ddau. Fel y mae'r gyfrol (a bywyd go iawn) yn dangos, rhyw flerwch yw bywyd sy'n llifo i'w gilydd. Camp Llŷr Titus yw portreadu hynny.

Adolygiad oddi ar www.gwales.com, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru