HUNDREDS of drink and drug drivers have been caught over the festive period in Wrexham and Flintshire in recent years, figures confirm.

Freedom of Information data obtained by the Leader show how many offenders were recorded during the month of December each year from 2017 to 2021.

Over that five year period, 182 drink drivers were caught across both counties - with 85 being in Flintshire and 97 being in Wrexham.

And 153 drug drivers were caught - 75 of which were in Flintshire and 78 in Wrexham.

Sergeant Liam Morris of the Roads Policing Unit said: “Driving whilst under the influence is not only a criminal offence but it is also a completely unacceptable and selfish act which puts lives of innocent road users at risk. 

READ MORE: Police make 70 arrests in anti-drink and drug driving campaign

"The consequences are huge, not only does it risk death or serious injury but think about the potential loss of your career, home and family life.

“Despite our repeated warnings regarding the dangers of drink and drug driving, it is disappointing that people are still choosing to risk their own lives and the lives of other road users by taking to the roads whilst under the influence.

“Drugs affect your mind and body in a variety of ways that mean you can’t drive safely. 

"When your ability to drive is impaired the chances of you being involved in a collision significantly increase. 

"The effects can last for hours or even days. 

"Driving while under the influence of drugs can lead to slower reaction times, poor concentration, confusion, fatigue, being over confident which means you take unnecessary risks and demonstrate erratic behaviour. 

"All of which attract the attention of patrolling officers who are out looking for these behaviours.

READ MORETreuddyn dangerous driver's collision caught on dashcam footage

“We are fully committed to help make the roads safer for all and will continue to target those who wilfully endanger their own lives and the lives of others. Please don’t think the rural nature of the region affords you protection because it does not."

From December 1 to 16 this year, 70 arrests had been made across North Wales as part of the Christmas Anti Drink and Drug Drive Campaign.

Of those, there were 12 drug drivers recorded in Flintshire and five in Wrexham.

And there were seven drink drivers recorded in Flintshire, as well as five in Flintshire.

The highest reading provided as of December 16 was 114 (the legal limit is 35).

Regarding Christmas parties, Sgt Morris added: “We are pleading with everyone to make arrangements to get home safely, and to also remind everyone that they could still be over the alcohol limit the morning after a night of drinking.

“We want everyone to enjoy a safe and happy festive season and so this is one of our most important annual campaigns. Officers are out patrolling in marked and unmarked vehicles, as well as conducting roadside checks to ensure the roads are safe for all.”