A MAN who attacked his partner and security officers on a hospital children's ward has been spared jail.

Stefan Sawin, of Brynn Yr Onnon in Southsea, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday for sentence.

The 32-year-old had previously admitted one count of assault by beating, two of assaulting an emergency worker and one of criminal damage.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that at around 5am on September 18, North Wales Police received a call from staff at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital children's ward after Sawin assaulted his partner and had become abusive with security staff.

A nurse heard banging coming from a private patient's room and saw Sawin assaulting his partner Vicki Carter.

The defendant was challenged by the nurse and let go, stumbling around and appearing to be under the influence of something.

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Security officers Julian Williams and Jaroslaw Szomber were called.

As Mr Williams entered, Sawin was "aggressive" towards him, trying to push past him to get away, before spitting at him.

Sawin was taken to the floor as he punched the guard and continued to spit.
As Mr Szomber came to assist, he confirmed the defendant continued to punch, elbow and and use his knee.

Police attended to arrest him and he was later released with bail conditions.

On November 10, he was arrested for allegedly breaching those conditions - and whilst in the police vehicle he kicked out at the inside of the door, causing damage.

A probation officer told the court the self-employed civil engineer's memory of the incident was limited due to alcohol.

Bethan Jones told the court he and his partner were there due to one of their young children having difficulties, adding: "The child was essentially sick to the point of being in danger."

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He became frustrated when he was told the child would need specialist care in Alder Hey, but there was not an ambulance available to take him.

Ms Jones said the child was "deteriorating rapidly," and following an argument with his partner he told her he'd take the child himself - moving to take the child from the specialist crib on the unit.

His partner stopped him, which led to him pushing her - and the the intervention of security.

"Drink had taken over by that point," she added.

"Emotions were so high, he could not react appropriately to the security officers.

For assaulting his partner, Sawin was handed a 10 week custodial sentence - but it was suspended for a year.

Concurrent sentences of four weeks were imposed for each assault on an emergency worker, which were suspended for the same duration.

No separate penalty was imposed for the criminal damage, but Sawin was handed an 80-day alcohol abstinence monitoring order, as well as a 25-day requirement to take part in a building better relationships programme.

He must pay £50 in compensation to each guard, as well as £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.