A WREXHAM man who headbutted a police officer has been ordered not to go into any Tesco or Home Bargains stores for the next 12 months.

Rikki Dulson, of Pentre Gwyn, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 32-year-old had previously admitted assaulting an emergency worker, two counts of theft from a shop, possession of amphetamine and use of threatening or abusive words or behaviour.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that PC Martin Zdrazil was on duty on November 8, and had arrested Dulson for an unrelated matter.

The defendant was handcuffed and taken to Llay police station, and as he was being escorted out of the vehicle he turned and headbutted PC Zdrazil to the nose without warning.

The injury caused by the assault resulted in him taking time out of his duty.
Outlining the other offences, Mr Espie said on October 24, security staff at Tesco in Crescent Road were alerted to the defendant - who was pushing a trolley with more than £200 worth of spirits in it.

He went to exit the store but the alarms sounded due to the bottles being security tagged.

It was realised later however that one bottle worth £21 was unaccounted for.

The next day he was seen in the foyer of the store mocking staff and shouting: "I'll f****** smash you."

On November 19, he put numerous items in a trolley at Home Bargains on Holt Street and as he tried to leave with them he was challenged.

"I've got a knife in my pocket and I have a drink problem," he told staff, before being allowed to leave with the items - worth a total of £99.09.

READ MORE: Man ordered to pay more than £1,000 compensation for damaging flower shop window

He didn't produce a knife, but when he was later arrested he was found to have a small amount of amphetamine in his possession.

Euros Jones, defending, said his client had been "working well" with Cais to address his crack cocaine and alcohol addictions.

"There is light at the end of this tunnel," he told District Judge Gwyn Jones.

"He still has a drink problem, but he has moved away from drugs as a whole."

Mr Jones asked that his client be given an opportunity to continue working with Cais.

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The District Judge handed down a 26-week custodial sentence for the assault, and four weeks consecutive on each theft - making a total of 34 weeks.

But he suspended the term for 12 months and ordered the defendant not to enter any Tesco or Home Bargains Stores in England or Wales for that period.

Dulson must pay £250 compensation to the officer, £21 to Tesco and £99 to Home Bargains, as well as £170 in costs.

No separate penalty was imposed for the other offences.