LEADER readers have given their thoughts on Sarah Atherton's claim that Wrexham needs a new hospital. 

The Conservative MP said that Wrexham needed a 'modern' hospital that was fit for purpose and able to cope with demand. 

Ms Atherton also referred to 'horrendous healthcare stories' that she had heard from constituents about experiences at the Maelor and called on the Welsh Government to address the issues with healthcare in the area. 

In response, Welsh Government stated that they had given financial support for work to be done at the Maelor, and revealed a business case was set to be submitted next year for further improvements. 


Now, a number of Leader readers have given their views on the suggestion. 

Myfanwy Williams said: "Maybe pay the staff that are on the frontline what they deserve. Without staff it will continue being the mess it is. A new building will make no difference it will just be more beds to block as the whole care sector is broken."

Sarah Jane Taylor added: "If a hospital needs building anywhere it’s Flintshire but there are not enough staff for the ones we’ve already got.

"Make the NHS an attractive place to work first by improving pay and terms and conditions."

Judith Morris also felt that pay for staff needed improving, she said: "We don’t need another building. We need staff to be paid enough that becomes appealing for people to want to qualify and stay. 

"A new building won’t stop staff shortages."

Tracey Daly suggested 'investing in the hospital we've got'. 

"Who is going to staff the hospital? No one wants to work for the NHS anymore and I can’t blame them," said Sarah Wareham. 

While Ben Roberts said: "Because of Brexit and the poor wages paid to healthcare workers/poor conditions it won’t be possible to staff a new hospital."