A Flintshire motorcycle group has helped to gift toys, games and even computers, as part of their Christmas toy drive, to struggling families in Bagillt. 

The motorcycle group, which is based in Holywell, launched their Christmas Toy Drive in October to help the families at Glan Aber School school struggling amid the cost of living crisis. 

A spokesperson at the club said: "No words can describe our appreciation to everyone who put something towards this toy drive, especially during these tough times!

"On behalf of everyone at Forgotten Riders MCC, we wish the best of luck to all those struggling families this year and we really do hope we have helped even in a small way. Also, thankyou! The support received once again will never cease to amaze us!!"

The riders collected toys, children's gifts and cash donations at their regular rider meet ups as well as at an end of season party held on November 11 at the Boot and Ship. 

The Leader: Donated toys from Forgotten Riders MCCDonated toys from Forgotten Riders MCC (Image: Forgotten Riders MCC)

The club raised £167 via their go fund me page and £300 from individual donations at the party event. 

The club also received donations from Tesco in Broughton and received 10 computer systems worth £1,700 from Lunar Networks, which is based in Mostyn.

Chris Grasby, managing director at Lunar Networks which specialises in IT asset recovery, saw the original toy drive appeal via social media.

READ MORE: Motorbike group steps in to help after Flintshire primary school is damaged by vandals

Mr Gradby said: "We recently decommissioned a ton of PC's from a company and therefore had the idea to donate them to struggling families or schools.

"It seems to have had a very positive impact and it's a good thing to get the PC's out and fit for purpose."

The donated PC's will now be passed onto a local children's refuge for their communal area.

The Leader: Forgotten Riders MCCForgotten Riders MCC (Image: Forgotten Riders MCC)

Forgotten Riders MCC headed to Glan Aber Primary School on Sunday, December 4 with three cars, a pick up truck and of course a motorbike full of gifts in tow.

The school headmaster at Glan Aber, Mr Noon, accepted the donations and even posed alongside the club on a club member's motorbike. 

Mr Noon said: "I am so proud of our wonderful community and how we support our families during difficult times. 

"On behalf of the staff and governors I would like to thank our parents who have kindly donated Christmas presents for our children."

"Also a big shout out to forgotten riders who have worked tirelessly raising funds and buying gifts for our children."