Brynteg Library World Cup celebrations

World Cup celebrations have kicked off at Brynteg Library! The most high-profile event on the sporting calendar, the 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup is taking place in Qatar until December 18, 2022, at eight venues across five host cities, with 32 teams competing for the most prestigious international prize in world football. If you'd like to brush up on your football skills, read about famous players, or pick up a football themed story book - then visit Brynteg Library. We have a great selection for both adults and children!

Don't forget the World Cup competitions taking place at Rhos, Cefn Mawr and Wrexham libraries during this time too!

Activity Groups for people living with Dementia

Join us at Ruabon and Rhos libraries to share your memories, reminisce with books and music, try out our new activities and meet and chat with others. Time to Remember will take place at Ruabon Library on the third Wednesday of the month at 2pm, with the next session on Wednesday, December 21. Reminisce will take place at Rhos Library on the third Friday of the month at 11am, with the next session on Friday, December 16. Refreshments will be available and individuals, families and carers will be very welcome. Call Ruabon Library on 01978 822002 or Rhos Library 01978 840328 for more details.

Knit and Natter

Knitting isn't just about creating new cardigans or socks; research has found it can reduce depression and anxiety, slow down the onset of dementia, distract from chronic pain and can lower your heart rate by 11 beats per minute. Throw in a dollop of a good old natter in a comfortable and relaxed environment and you could be on your way to improving your health and wellbeing. Knit and Natter sessions are now taking place in Brynteg, Cefn Mawr, Coedpoeth, Ruabon and Rhos libraries on a weekly basis. So whether you're a beginner or an experienced knitter why not join these groups, where a warm welcome and a cup of tea awaits you?

Rapid Reads

Can't wait for the latest book by your favourite bestselling author? Then wait no longer! New additions to the Rapid Reads collection this month at Wrexham Library include copies of the latest books by Cormac McCarthy, Dawn O'Porter, Wilbur Smith, Val McDermid, Ian McEwan and Shehan Karunatilaka. We have multiple copies of these titles which you can only have for one week, which means a copy of the latest book by your favourite author is never far away.

Theory Test Pro (inc. HGVs)

Now that some of the restrictions around trying certain driving tests have been eased or changed why not use Theory Test Pro to help you with your learning. Theory Test Pro is an online site which contains the entire official test question bank, hazard perception video clips and an online version of the Highway Code - all you need to help you pass your theory driving test. It has access to test banks for car, motorcycle, passenger carry vehicle and heavy goods vehicle categories. This amazing site can be accessed free of charge on your home computer, all you need is a valid library card. For more information visit and select Online Services.

Welsh Book Review

Cors Caron gan Meleri Wyn James

Cors Caron gan Meleri Wyn James

Cors Caron gan Meleri Wyn James

Nofel fyrlymus yw hon, sy'n adrodd stori merch bymtheg oed o'r enw Caron a aiff ar goll ar Gors Caron yng Ngheredigion. Mae hi'n dioddef o epilepsi ond nid yw hi'n gweld hyn fel gwendid. I'r gwrthwyneb – mae'n rhywbeth sy'n ei diffinio hi ac yn ei gwneud hi'n arbennig. Y gors yw dihangfa Caron pan nad yw bywyd yn ei thrin hi'n garedig, ac mae'n adnabod pob rhan o'r tir fel cledr ei llaw. Dyma sy'n achosi'r penbleth mwyaf i'w thad, Rhys, pan nad yw Caron yn dychwelyd adre ar gyfer ei swper na chwaith yn ateb ei ffôn fach. Mae Rhys yn gweithio ar y gors ac yn rhannu'r un agwedd â'i ferch amdani. Ar y pwynt hwn yn y stori cawn wybod bod corff wedi ei ddarganfod ar dir y gors, corff sydd wedi bod yno ers canrifoedd lawer. Mae'r awdur wedi llwyddo i adrodd stori dda, amlhaenog – mae'n hwylus i'w darllen, mae'n gafael o'r dudalen gyntaf, ac mae'r ddeialog yn cynnwys iaith lafar ardal Tregaron sy'n gwneud y cymeriadau yn rhai realistig. Gyda'r Eisteddfod yn dod i ardal y stori, darllenwch hon, da chi!

Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.