A DECISION whether to proceed with the plan for a new stretch of the A55 in Flintshire is expected "shortly", the Welsh Government has said.

The Welsh Government's plan for the 'red route' scheme for the A55 in Flintshire includes a new eight-mile stretch of dual carriageway linking the A55 at Northop with the A494 and A550 north of Deeside Parkway Junction via the Flintshire Bridge. 

It includes other improvements and modifications, such as upgrading the A548 over Flintshire Bridge between Connah's Quay and the Wirral. 

But the scheme has proven controversial, with some people living within its vicinity forming a campaign group against it

The campaign is being supported by various environmental and farming organisations - with the scheme running through open countryside. 

The campaign claims that the Red Route scheme contradicts the Welsh Government's commitment to a reduction to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in just 30 years’ time, and has also cited the spiralling costs of the scheme which had jumped to £300million in 2019.

The Welsh Government announced a pause on new road building schemes in June, 2021 while a review is carried out to reduce carbon emissions.

READ MORE: Flintshire politicians slam delay on 'Red Route' scheme

And on November 30, Lee Waters MS, Deputy Minister for Climate Change, released a statement saying a final decision on 55 new trunk road schemes, including the red route, is expected "shortly".

He said: "In September 2022, I published a written statement about the final report of the Roads Review Panel. I would like to thank the chair Dr Lynn Sloman and the panel members for their hard work and dedication for this comprehensive and important report.

"The Roads Review makes recommendations about future transport policy as well as judging the 55 roads schemes in the current pipeline against existing policy.

"Responding to the recommendations is a complex piece of work which has been further complicated by the significant reduction in our spending power following the UK Government’s financial crash. As a result of the Autumn Statement the Welsh Government’s capital budgets will be 8.1 per cent lower in 2024-25."

The Leader: The proposed 'Northop interchange' as part of the red route scheme.The proposed 'Northop interchange' as part of the red route scheme. (Image: Newsquest)

He continued: "It is important that we now reconsider our full response to the Roads Review in light of the deteriorating fiscal and economic situation we have been placed in by the UK Government.

"We will set out our response, together with those schemes which we will be taking forward, in our National Transport Delivery Plan, which will be published shortly."