A television production company based in Flintshire has been named one of seven independents to receive support from Channel 4. 

Osprey Television is an independent production company based in Shotton that delivers broadcast and multi-platform content, telling compelling stories through regional voices.

The company recently announced it is part of the CH4 Emerging Indie Fund 2022.

A representative at Osprey Television said: "We are looking forward to the opportunities this will bring us and hopefully to the people of Flintshire by creating local jobs."

A key goal for the Flintshire company is to portray local stories and local people on Welsh and UK TV screens.

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They are "always looking for stories that haven't been told before and that are embedded to the local area of northeast wales".

Those interested can contact Osprey television at www.ospreytelevision.com 

Channel 4’s Director of Commissioning Operations Emma Hardy said: “The Emerging Indie Fund continues to make a real difference, providing practical support and helping small N&R-based production companies grow and become more established. We look forward to working with our new cohort and helping them to nurture their businesses and build stronger foundations in the nations and regions."

Each award is focused on a specific genre and includes drama, specialist factual, news and current affairs, entertainment, factual entertainment, daytime and features, digital, documentaries and comedy.

Seven independent production companies to receive discretionary awards are from Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Maidenhead, Sheffield, Shotton in Wales and Stroud.

These companies will gain access to 4Producers’ networking events, development workshops and funds to help towards development of programme ideas.

They will also benefit from regular access to head of Indie Relations, Rebecca Thompson. Launched in 2020, the Emerging Indie Fund was specifically developed to help nurture up and coming indies, widen their networks and relationships and help them move on to the next level of their development.

Osprey Television is run by managing directors Hayley Jones and Chris Wood who have both worked extensively in prime time broadcast and digital experience in all genres.