A DEESIDE woman was shocked to find an exotic spider in a pack of grapes she had bought from a supermarket.

The woman, wishing to remain anonymous, had bought the punnet of sable grapes from the Aldi supermarket in Rhuddlan, near Rhyl, on Tuesday evening.

All seemed normal, until she began to tuck into them.

She explained: "I was eating them on Wednesday night in low level light so hadn't seen anything unusual but then noticed something white.

"I was initially shocked to see that it was a spider's web, but then I saw the spider and almost threw the punnet. I'll definitely be checking my grapes from now on!"

The Leader: The woman was shocked to find the spider and its web in the grapes. The woman was shocked to find the spider and its web in the grapes. (Image: User generated content)

After she "stopped freaking out", she quickly "disposed" of the spider - which has been identified as a Pantropical Jumping Spider (Plexippus paykulli). 

The spider is native to south east Asia but has spread to other parts of the world, including the Americas. In the United States it is called the Pantropical Jumping Spider. It is usually associated with buildings and may be found near light sources catching insects attracted by the light, and is harmless to humans.


After the "slightly traumatised" woman posted about the incident on Facebook, people were quick to express their shock at seeing it. 

One person said: "I would die if this happened to me."

Another added: "Oh, I would be sick."

An Aldi spokesperson said: “Whilst very rare, this can occasionally occur with products that are grown in natural conditions. We have apologised to the customer that this product did not meet our usual high standards.”