A Wrexham primary school has been visited by Education and Welsh Language Minister, Jeremy Miles, as they work towards the new curriculum.  

The minister visited Gwenfro CP School on Friday, November 11 where he met the staff and pupils and heard about their journey towards implementing the new curriculum which was introduced this September.



The Head and Deputy Head Prefects shared the process of their appointment, their roles and responsibilities.

The Leader: Jeremy Miles helping pupils draw poppies for Remembrance Day Jeremy Miles helping pupils draw poppies for Remembrance Day (Image: Gwenfro Primary School)

Mr Miles also met with members of the School and Eco Council who talked about the process around electing members in a democratic way.

Kate Owen-Jones, Head Teacher said: “It is important that our pupils learn real life skills through the rich experiences we provide. Our processes for appointing Prefects and electing school group members mirrors real life and gives our pupils authentic experiences which they can take into the wider world.”