A POLICE Inspector has thanked residents for their civilised and restrained conduct over bonfire weekend.

In his regular update on incidents, released on Tuesday night, Wrexham City Inspector Luke Hughes detailed what officers were called to on Monday.

Among the incidents were:

12.52am: "Shenanigans on West Circle" – report of a disturbance, lone male shouting in the street. Officers attended and calmed matters down, no arrests made.

1.45am: Report of a lone male riding a bike on Lorne street. Insp Hughes said: "Caller concerned as he has ridden past a number of times. Neighbourhood Policing Team reviewing to offer support."

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7.44am: Three-vehicle collision in Smithy Lane. Insp Hughes said: "Log suggests no injuries and recovery arranged form scene. Debris and oil on the roads and highways asked to attend."

10:46am: Found property in Berse Lane. Insp Hughes said: "Suspicious items possibly linked to a burglary, officers will attend to cross reference to any recent crimes in the county."

11.41am: Concerns for the welfare of a male – help and support offered.

11.53am: Arson. Insp Hughes said: "Vehicle fire Wilson Ave, fire service believe deliberate. See anything suspicious? Any info? Contact us and quote B168792 in confidence."

3.38pm: Cooking oil theft. Insp Hughes said: "Late reporting – incident occurred the previous day, restaurant owner reporting theft of cooking oil taken from a restaurant in St Georges Crescent. Either refined to make biofuel or sold on, please keep your used oil under lock and key. It's a national issue but we occasionally have visitors from out of the area, we did make a few arrests recently but clearly more than oil baddie out there."

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3.57pm: Report from resident of Tan y Dre, window has been damaged. Insp Hughes said: "Repeat victim and it appears that the timings of the incident are consistent with the end of the school day. Neighbourhood Policing Team aware and monitoring, maybe a visit to the local schools is in order, hopefully we are able to get to the bottom of this. Pointless damage is so very frustrating and can have a massive impact on the victim."

10.54pm: Report of a bike stolen from a location on Ffordd Estyn. Insp Hughes said: "It occurred at some post in the last few weeks, victim can’t be sure.  I have asked officers to get a picture for circulation – bike theft seems to be our biggest repeat demand at present that and retail theft.

11.56pm: Report of a male causing issues in the area of Point Wen – all quiet on arrival.

Insp Hughes also thanked residents for their conduct over the weekend, explaining: "I wanted to express my sincere thanks for the bonfire weekend.

"I’ve never known such a civilised and restrained affair - really impressed with the sensible approach to firework use.

"I accept there may well have been unreported anti-social behaviour issues, but in comparison to recent years and certainly how I remember it as a PC 20 plus years ago, we are in a far better place."