A FOOD factory worker has been banned from driving after testing positive for cannabis.

Pawel Stepien, of Victoria Road in Shotton, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 32-year-old admitted that on August 23 at Shotton, he drove an Audi motor vehicle when the proportion of cannabis in his blood exceeded the specified limit.

He was found to have 5 microgrammes of the substance per litre of blood - the limit being 2.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that at around 1.30am on the day of the offence, police on Chester Road West noticed the defendant's vehicle travelling at a speed appearing to be over the limit.

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When it came to a stop, they spoke to him and conducted a drug swipe - which returned a positive result.

He later gave a blood sample with the cannabis reading resulting in his charge.

Ian Barnes, defending, told the court his client moved to the UK around eight years ago and has worked in the same role at a local food factory ever since.

He'd smoked cannabis 18 hours earlier, Mr Barnes said, and was on his way to work on the morning he was stopped.

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Mr Barnes said: "He didn't feel he was affected by the cannabis at that time and felt entirely fit to drive.

"But he has learned a difficult lesson as many who appear before these courts do, regarding how long cannabis remains in your system."

Ceri Hughes, chair of the bench, ordered Stepien to pay a £450 fine as well as a £180 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

He was also banned from driving for 12 months.