THE OWNER of Home Bargains has submitted plans for a cafe/restaurant in Flintshire. 

Planning documents state that TJ Morris Limited has put in proposals to change the use of a car service centre on Chester Road in Mold into a Greggs café/sandwich shop and KFC takeaway, divided into two separate units. It would not include a drive-thru. 

The site is currently home to Checkpoint Service Centre, which is opposite the Home Bargains store.

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Planning agent Quod said: "We have been instructed by TJ Morris Limited to submit for the change of use from a motor vehicle service and ‘parts’ sales unit to Class A1 sandwich shop & bakery and Class A3 (café/ restaurant/ hot food takeaway) along with associated works.

"The proposals will deliver the redevelopment of a unit within Mold town centre. The proposals will create an estimated total of 16 full-time equivalent jobs, whilst representing an investment that would deliver an improved offer for Mold town centre."

The Leader: Source - planning documents. Source - planning documents. (Image: Google)

Quod added: "Overall, the proposals will ensure the long-term success for the retail area with the offer being improved to what customers expect in the town centre. The proposals will also result in job creation and improved consumer offer at an established retail destination through modest proposals.

"The development will also give rise to a significant number of tangible socio-economic benefits including job creation, inward investment and increased consumer choice. These should be afforded significant weight when considering the overall planning balance, especially in such uncertain economic times."

TJ Morris Ltd has been approached for further information on the plans.