A CANNABIS dealer who had tens of thousands of pounds in ill-gotten gains stashed in his young child's bedroom has been jailed.

Connor George, of Hill Street in Rhostyllen, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Thursday.

The 27-year-old had previously admitted possessing cannabis with intent to supply, being concerned in the supply of cannabis, and acquiring criminal property - namely just over £38,000 in cash.

Rosemary Proctor, prosecuting, told the court how police stopped the defendant's vehicle in Rossett in January 2021.

In the car with him were his partner and very young daughter.

Officers noticed a strong smell of cannabis emanating from the vehicle, resulting in it and the defendant being searched.

Five small bags of the substance were found in the passenger footwell, and a further bag was found behind the driver's seat.

A phone was also found.

When he was searched in custody, a significant amount of cash was found on his person.

Police then searched two homes where he was known to live, and all-in-all they found two more phones and boxes containing tens of thousands of pounds in cash.

The phones were analysed and were found to contain texts indicative of the supply and purchase of cannabis.

Also found were messages indicating he'd sold cannabis to sub-dealers.

Catherine Jagger, defending, said the time between his arrest and sentence had been "harrowing" for her client and his family.

She explained steps had been taken to address his offending behaviour, adding: "He took full responsibility.

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"Following his arrest, he sought help for his personal addiction and has been free form cannabis for 18 months."

She added there was a clear desire by her client to work with mental health services and emphasised the impact a custodial sentence would have on his daughter.

But Judge Parry told an audibly distressed George: "You were running an extremely profitable business for over two years.

"When you were stopped and arrested there was a baby present in that car, which was stinking of cannabis.

"And significant amounts of money were secreted in your child's bedroom, amongst baby clothes."

The Judge handed down a 15-month custodial sentence, adding: "This matter is so serious, it must be served immediately."

A timetable was set for proceeds of crime proceedings, a mention hearing for which will take place in March next year.


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