A TEENAGER admitted he had a sexual interest in young children after indecent images were found on his laptop, a court heard.

Leon Hanmer, of Cheshire View in Brymbo, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Thursday.

The 19-year-old had been convicted at a previous hearing of three counts of making indecent images of children.

Simon Mintz, prosecuting, told the court that in September last year, the National Crime Agency was notified by a social media platform of indecent images being uploaded.

North Wales Police executed a warrant at Hanmer's home and seized his laptop.

On the device, five images at category A were found, as well as four at category B and three at category C.

The children depicted were aged between five and 14.

Police also found evidence of internet searches which were "highly suggestive of child abuse materials."

He made a full confession to police when he was interviewed in July this year, Mr Mintz added.

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Patrick Geddes, defending, said his client has the full support of his family and had not minimised his activities.

He added: "He seems very open and honest as to what he was doing with those images, which is unusual."

Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "What you were viewing, and chose to download, was actually happening to those young girls - that was real life.

"They were being sexually abused in that way.

"This is an unusual case. You did plead guilty immediately highly unusually you're prepared to admit you do have a sexual interest in children.

"That's the best sign there can be, that you're willing to address the issue.

"You've proved that already by taking steps voluntarily, travelling some distance for courses.

"I accept you're genuinely remorseful and motivated to address your behaviour."

The Judge handed down a two-year community order, with 150 hours of unpaid work, 23 sessions on a Horizons programme and 20 days of rehabilitation activity.

The defendant must pay £460 costs and a £95 victim surcharge.

He was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order and notification requirements for five years.


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