A WREXHAM woman has been warned that any abusive behaviour or language in public in the next three years could land her in custody.

On Tuesday, Wrexham Magistrates Court made 40-year-old Margaret Berry, of Gerald Street, subject of a three-year criminal behaviour order (CBO). 

Llinos Preece, North Wales Police, anti-social behaviour co-ordinator, explained: "Although not named directly in his daily updates, Insp Luke Hughes has made reference to the ongoing anti-social behaviour and general offending that Margaret has been responsible for within Wexham City Centre over the past few months.

"This CBO gives officers more robust powers to deal with any anti-social behaviour Margaret may cause in the future.  

"The order also provides her with the opportunity to address the origins of her behaviour and hopefully end her cycle of offending.  "Believe it or not, this is what we want as North Wales Police.  We want those who have been in trouble with the law to be able to take advantage of support available and to turn their lives around."

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For the next three years, Berry is subject to the following conditions: 

  • She must not use, or encourage others to use, foul, abusive, insulting, offensive, threatening, disorderly or intimidating language or behaviour in any place in England or Wales or towards any person.


  • She must not cause alarm and/or distress to local residents/neighbours by shouting or behaving in an antisocial manner.


  • She is required to engage with any referral made by Police to drug services and attend any appointments as directed by police or drug services, and she must leave any retail premises when asked to do so by security staff, shop workers, police or PCSO’s

"Failure to comply with these conditions is a criminal offence and Margaret could find herself in custody as a result," Llinos Preece added.


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