POLICE drones will be utilised at car meets in Flintshire as part of an operation targeting anti-social and dangerous driving.

North Wales Police's Flintshire North team said it comes as officers are more frequently witnessing anti-social and dangerous behaviour at events.

PC Shannen Finnerty, said: “I appreciate not all members of the car community engage in anti-social driving at these events, but we are more frequently witnessing such behaviour.

“ASB (anti-social behaviour) will not go unchallenged and if necessary, we will utilise Section 59 powers and issue dispersal orders.

“Our operation is not aimed at people meeting in their cars peacefully, simply those acting in an anti-social manner."

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She added: “Community information in relation to this type of activity is vital, and I am asking organisers to work with the police when arranging a meet so we can work together to ensure they remain safe.”

Anyone with information, or anyone who wishes to contact officers in relation to a car meet can contact us on 101, or via the website https://orlo.uk/G6xX4

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