MEMBERS of Mold and Buckley Round Table have unveiled a new defibrillator unit.

The unit was revealed in the Forest Walk area of Buckley thanks to a £500 donation from the Round Table following a funding case from local councillor, David Ellis.

Cllr Ellis said: “As Defibrillator Champion for Buckley, I would like to thank Mold and Buckley Roundtable for financially supporting my latest application for a public access defibrillator cabinet outside of 86 Forest Walk Buckley. 

“Also, thanks to David Edwards who owns the property for supplying the defibrillator itself so we can have public access 24 hours a day. 

“A big thank you again goes to SPT Electricals’ Steve Thomas, for their continued support in installing the cabinet free of charge. 

“Thanks goes to Tomos Hughes of Welsh Ambulance Service for his continued support.”


A spokesperson for the Mold and Buckley Round Table said: “Mold and Buckley Round Table were very pleased to be able to help unveil a new defibrillator unit. In the Forest Walk area of Buckley.

"All monies raised by Mold and Buckley Round Table will always go back straight back into the local community, so if you or your group are in need of funding, then why not get in contact with us.”