The Wales and the Battle of Britain Exhibition has arrived in Flintshire to mark the 80th anniversary as part of nationwide commemorations.

The exhibition which focuses on the Welsh air crew who fought, tells their stories and heroism to a modern Welsh audience.

Councillor Mared Eastwood, chair of Flintshire County Council, said: “I am extremely proud that the Wales and the Battle of Britain 80th anniversary exhibition is in Flintshire, allowing our residents of all ages to come along and find out more about what happened in the skies during wartime and to pay their respects to the Fallen and to those who eventually returned home to their loved ones.”

Cllr Eastwood joined Air Commodore, Adrian Williams to open The Wales and the Battle of Britain Historical anniversary exhibition at Deeside Library at Deeside Leisure Centre on Monday, October 3.  


Senior RAF officer in Wales, Adrian Williams said: “The exhibition tells the untold story from a Welsh perspective including information on how RAF stations in Wales, together with local communities across Wales, all contributed to victory in 1940.  

“The RAF claimed victory in the skies in October 1940 and Hitler called off his invasion plans. Wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill famously said: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”

The exhibition is open daily from 9am to 6pm until Friday, October 7. Admission is FREE.