Children and young people can get involved in helping to better their community thanks to a challenge organised by emergency services.

North Wales Police, in partnership with the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, has launched #OpBangChallenge – an opportunity for children and young people to complete a project to better their community in some way.

With Halloween and Bonfire Night fast approaching, both services are once again working together to ensure celebrations are safe and enjoyable for everyone.

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Those aged between five and 18 could possibly win prizes worth up to £100 each, and if they are part of a club, they could win a cash prize of up to £750 with their ideas on how they can improve their communities.

Projects could look at matters such as promoting road safety matters or looking at how something could be improved in the community. It could also involve looking at neglected spaces to help prevent fires or safeguarding vulnerable members of the community during the Halloween and Bonfire Night period.

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PC Melanie Cartledge-Davis, North Wales Police’s Youth Engagement and Intervention Officer said: “This time of year is traditionally busy for all emergency services, with a small minority of people using the Halloween and Bonfire period to commit anti-social behaviour, placing themselves and others at risk of injury.

“By launching the #OpBangChallenge we are hoping that children and young people will be inspired to think of ways of how to improve their communities and is also an opportunity to increase the amount of positive contact between the police and young people.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for them to get together with their friends and help out in their local area.

“We are excited to see what creative ideas the teams will come up with and the impact they’ll have on local areas.”

Jane Honey, community safety and arson reduction manager for North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, added: “Innovative initiatives like this are a great way of communicating our important Halloween ad Bonfire safety messages to our young people - helping ensure that everyone in the region can enjoy a safe and happy time."

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The challenge will be split into two:

Team Challenge:

  • Three Judging categories for years 1 to 4, 5 to 9 and 9 to 13
  • 1 to 4 persons per team
  • The project must benefit someone or something
  • Prizes worth up to £100 per person are up for grabs including some great runner-up prizes
  • Group Challenge:
  • 5 to 15 per team
  • Mixed ages between 5 and 18
  • Any groups/clubs taking part must already be established
  • An opportunity to win cash prizes for your club: 1st Prize of £750, second prize of £500 and 3rd prize of £250
  • Groups can enter more than one team

Further information and details of how to get involved are available via Op Bang Challenge 2022 - Firework & Bonfire Safety - In your community - Keeping You Safe - North Wales Fire And Rescue Service (