A POLICE officer was left with a "nasty injury" to her arm after being bitten by a dog, an Inspector has said.

As part of his regular daily policing update, Wrexham Inspector Luke Hughes informed the public about a number of recent incidents and events of note.

He said: "At this time we have some visiting climate activists who have arrived in their bus… currently in Mold Road with the intention to visit a couple of locations. Peaceful protest and raising awareness is the stated intention, officers have attended and confirmed their plans and we of course will not directly interfere with peaceful protest."

He added: "The allotments in Erddig appear to have been targeted a number of times in recent days.

"I am aware of at least five sheds that have been opened, some report nothing missing, others items gone, we are out this morning to see what we can evidence. 

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"I would of course encourage any owners to invest in shed alarms and/or CCTV, both are pretty cost effective if you consider the consequences of replacing tools stolen. 

"Neighbourhood Police Team will be leading in this and we will endeavour to increase patrols in the areas, open mind as to suspects at this time, likely opportunist but will be local to the area as I’m not seeing a pattern anywhere else."

Inspector Hughes said a vehicle was set on fire on Sunday night on Stratford Close.

"Deliberate ignition is suspected, but no injury,"  he said.

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"I am of course quite angry that someone can be so reckless and mindless to do such a thing and I hope they have been suitably careless in covering their tracks as I would love to be able to locate them as promptly as possible.

"If you have any information please call us on 101 / chat via the website or via crime stoppers quoting 22000729353.

"[There were] a few arrests over the weekend, some for shoplifting and a female remains in custody for a number of offences that will be progressed.

"Also a few arrests for domestic violence. Officers will always take positive action in this regard and locally we have the highest victim satisfaction rate in force.

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"If you are suffering please know we are here to help you, please just pick up the phone.

"Finally and sadly, one of our officers was bitten by a dog when attending an incident on Friday. 

"PC Georgia Benham-Roberts sustained a bite to her left arm, as the picture shows - a nasty injury and her welfare will be taken care of.

"Thankfully the skin wasn’t broken so the risk of infection will be limited, but I checked in with her yesterday and it is still very sore indeed. I hope she recovers quickly."