Young visitors were enthralled by the range of activities for them to participate in during Flint High School's open evening last week.

Staff and students showcased all that the school had to offer in every department and Clare Millington, headteacher, is delighted with the positive feedback from parents and children who attended the event.

She said: "It was lovely to have the chance to meet parents and children on the evening and to see the children so engaged in the fantastic variety of activities across the school, they were buzzing with enthusiasm and excitement.

Children experience an ICT activity.

Children experience an ICT activity.

"Our school offers a welcoming learning environment where each student is given every opportunity to flourish, no matter what their starting point is or what their interests are. Our aim is for every child to head into the world confident and ready to contribute to their community, and our new motto 'Learning to Excel' challenges our students to take an active role in their education and to take responsibility for it.

"I would like to thank all our staff for their hard work in preparing for the open evening, and to our student helpers and Year 11 tour guides who kindly volunteered their time, they are a credit to the school."

‘Guess the age’ game in history is popular with young visitors and parents.

‘Guess the age’ game in history is popular with young visitors and parents.

The English department showcased the new books that learners study in the curriculum, including local books about Flint Castle and visitors were also able to help make and paint a model of the castle.

Learners were engaged in making clocks in mathematics using various equations, and in science there were explosions and fire, from making an air cannon to 'setting a teacher on fire' using methane bubbles.

Visitors to the art department viewed a display of the high quality work produced by Flint High students, including that of two national finalists who won the Royal Mail's Heroes of the Pandemic stamp design competition. There were also opportunities for visitors to create and design their own artwork.

Mr Dowle being ‘set on fire using methane bubbles.

Mr Dowle being ‘set on fire' using methane bubbles.

In the languages department, visitors took part in a range of language games to test their language skills and discovered the variety of learning opportunities on offer, and in humanities, a 'guess the age' game involved visitors estimating the age of different artefacts.

The ICT department provided different learning activities for visitors to showcase how teaching staff support progress from Years 7 through to 13 including creating their own code for app-based games, and in PE visitors took on Flint High GCSE and A-Level students in sporting challenges, from badminton to climbing.

In the drama theatre, visitors were treated to a range of scenes from the expressive arts most recent show, Matilda, as well as a taster of the upcoming spring show, We Will Rock You.