WIRE was tied across an alleyway in a bizarre and "dangerous" incident. 

A resident of Llay made the strange finding when walking on a path between Eighth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue in the village. 

They explained: "Someone has tied the wire from the fence across the path, trying to hurt someone I can only assume. This can’t have been a quick job as the wire is thick, yet has been carefully threaded through the fence posts and tightly wound to keep it tight and secure across the path.

"This is so dangerous."

Strangely, the same thing happened in March. The resident added: "I can't believe someone would do this again."

The Leader: The same thing happened in March. The same thing happened in March. (Image: UGC)

After the resident posted about it on a local social media group, other people commented expressing their disgust and concern at it. 

One person said: "That's terrible - my sister comes that way on her mobility scooter she could be seriously injured."

Another added: "That’s awful - imagine someone is riding on their bike and doesn’t see it."

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Llay councillor, Rob Walsh, said: "I was disgusted to see the photo of the wire across the footpath between Eighth Avenue and Eleventh. We have residents whose only way of getting about is via mobility scooter and such an act could have done serious harm to someone.

"My message to these individuals is that this is no joke. You are affecting the wellbeing of others. That also applies to those who think it is funny to frighten elderly residents in their homes. How would you feel if it was your parents or grandparents being treated this way?"

The Leader:

Police are urging people to report such incidents to them. 

Sgt Nathan Harvey, of the Wrexham Rural Policing Team, said: "This wasn't reported to us so weren't away of the issue. 

"We will now be patrolling this area, so please don't hesitate to contact us on 101."

Councillor Walsh added: "Anyone witnessing anti-social behaviour is encouraged to report to the police on 101. The more logged incidents the more of a picture this builds for the police to take action."