A POLICE operation to safeguard the most vulnerable residents in North Flintshire from burglars is to be launched.

Operation Lolite is soon to roll out across North Flintshire as the nights start to draw in.

Insp Stephen Roberts said at this time of year, North Wales Police tends to see an increase in the number of home burglaries.

The Inspector said: "Op Lolite is when we work with partners to identify people who are vulnerable in the community, and we do analysis to identify repeat victims.

"We will be going round with our partners to visit them and give them advice on the day of the actual operation, which will be in around two weeks' time.

"We also have a pod which will be put up at locations across the district with advice for the public."

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Insp Roberts said officers are working with councillors across the district to identify residents they know to be vulnerable.

He called on any councillors who would like to discuss the scheme in relation to vulnerable residents in their wards to contact their local policing teams.

"Domestic burglary can be catastrophic for people," he said.

"It is a real intrusion into their privacy and into their own personal stronghold.

"It can really affect people badly and that is why we do all we can to prevent those types of crimes.

"My advice to everyone would be to have a think about whether your windows are open, whether you have security lights or a high hedge that would allow someone to hide.

"Make your home somewhere burglars don't want to go."