North Wales Police are asking Wrexham residents to be vigilant following a spate of number plate thefts in the area. 

The force says they are aware of criminals using cars with stolen number plates to avoid detection. 

Several of the number plates that have been stolen have been from the Wrexham area. 

As a result, they are now asking residents to check their own number plates, and to make the force aware if they have seen any discarded registration plates. 

READ MORE: 'Odd' incident and vehicle fire: What Wrexham police dealt with this weekend

An NWP spokesperson said: "We are also aware that criminals are using cars with stolen number plates to avoid detection, several have been stolen in the Wrexham area.

"Please check your vehicle registration plates (front and back) frequently and report any stolen right away.  

"If you find any number plates discarded anywhere do not touch them and report it to us, and if you see anyone swapping registration plates over again make a note of the car make, colour and registration if you can see them and report it to us - NEVER put yourself in any risk.

"At this busy time of year opportunists are looking for easy targets, don't make it easy for them."