MORE than 200 speeding motorists were clocked speeding by Buckley volunteers in August.

The town's Community Speedwatch Group undertook 15 roadside sessions throughout the month, with a total of 96 hours work logged.

During those sessions, 240 speeders were logged, 227 of which have been reported to GoSafe.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, said among the fastest speeds recorded in August were a vehicle travelling at 51 miles per hour in a 30 zone, and another travelling at 52 in a 40 zone.

Of the total speeders recorded, 10 had no current tax and nine had no current MOT.

Cllr Woolley said: "Some of them were just recently out of tax or MOT, within the last few weeks.

"But some go back into last year. You have to ask yourself - what are they doing driving round?

"Also, with no MOT, that can frequently mean no insurance which is dangerous for everyone."

READ MOREMore than 1,600 speeding motorists clocked by Buckley team in 2021

He explained the team is still challenged and questioned by motorists about their duties, including about the speed threshold at which a vehicle becomes reportable. 

Cllr Woolley said: "We act in support of and with the support of North Wales Police.

"We work on a formula of 'ten per cent plus one' - so in a 30 zone, we add three miles per hour and then one more, meaning anything up to 34 miles per hour is ok, but 35 and above - we'll log you.

"In the 40, the formula means up to 45 miles per hour is ok, but 46 and over will get you logged.

"So people who complain we are recording them for being one mile per hour over the limit is absolute rubbish.

"And we still get people pulling up alongside us asking what the speed limit is and what speed they were doing.

"It beggars belief - they should know both of these things."

READ MOREBuckley team record more than 90 speeding drivers in April