MEMBERS of the public have been reminded what to do if they come across discarded needles or syringes.

The advice was issued by North Wales Police.

A spokesman said: "When needles and syringes are left in public places this can often lead to fear and anxiety about the risk of transmission of infection. 

"In reality, the risk to health is extremely low because any injuries are usually superficial and the blood in the syringe may no longer be infectious. 

"There are no reported cases of HIV infection through contact with a needle or syringe discarded in a public place.

"However one discarded needle is one too many and we strive to ensure that the public are not placed at any risk.

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"If you do find any discarded needles and syringes in a public place, by contacting our drug litter report line, we will ensure that the details are passed onto the Local Authority who have staff trained on how to remove and dispose of such equipment using appropriate safety equipment."

North Wales has a dedicated freephone number for the public to report any discarded needles and syringes they may find in their community.

Callers will need to confirm the exact location and the amount of equipment so the response can be as soon as possible.

Visit where a simple form can be completed or call freephone 0808 808 2276.