PLANS for a large solar farm which straddles the England-Wales border near Chester have been submitted to Cheshire West and Chester Council.

The Bretton Hall Solar Farm project covers an area measuring about 70 football pitches (50 hectares), crossing the border between Flintshire and Cheshire, on agricultural land at Bretton Hall Farm between Saltney and Bretton.

Because of the land spreading across two counties, the applicants have had to submit two separate applications.

On the Welsh side, due to the scale of the plans, the proposed development has been classed as a "Development of National Significance", meaning a decision over whether to grant planning permission will be made by the Welsh Government.


Bretton Hall Farm could become the site of a large solar farm spreading over the England-Wales border. Artists impression. Source: Planning document.

Bretton Hall Farm could become the site of a large solar farm spreading over the England-Wales border. Artist's impression. Source: Planning document.


Planning consultants Mabbett, on behalf of applicants YnNi Newydd Cyfyngedig, said in a planning statement: "The proposed development (as a whole) comprises a circa 30MW ground-mounted solar farm development and grid connection with supporting energy infrastructure including battery storage and associated site works incorporating partial widening of an existing access, maintenance tracks, perimeter and stock fencing, CCTV cameras and the provision of a customer cabin, outdoor classroom, and parking.

"The generation capacity of the proposed development located within the boundary of CWAC comprises circa 14MW.

"The proposed development would be temporary, with an operational phase of up to 40 years, after which the application site would be returned as close as practicable to its current condition."

Construction of the development, if approved, would last about 18 months, according to a CWaC highways officer.

It is envisaged that, during the operational phase, the proposed development would be unmanned and monitored externally. It is also the intention to allow sheep to graze throughout the operational phase.

While Flintshire Council will not be making a final decision on the proposal, it had been asked for its views as part of a pre-application consultation.

Concerns were raised over the levels of flood risk at the site, as well as the development being on Green Belt land.


Bretton Hall Farm could become the site of a large solar farm spreading over the England-Wales border.

Bretton Hall Farm could become the site of a large solar farm spreading over the England-Wales border.


Planning official said: "The flood risk is significant with regards to this proposal whether related to the tests in the present TAN (planning technical advice note) or the new TAN, which is yet to be implemented.

“It is also clear that the land is prone to regular flooding which has demonstrated that it diminishes the agricultural land quality and ability to work for higher yields.

“The documents have not however demonstrated that the flooding won’t negatively affect the ability for the proposed solar farm to operate.

“This is a large solar farm within a green barrier whose key characteristics are is openness.

“A solar farm on this scale would present a prominent new feature in this previously open expanse of agricultural land.”

Natural Resources Wales also raised concerns regarding the scheme in response to the pre-application consultation.

In a letter, the Welsh Government sponsored body said: “We have concerns with the application as proposed because inadequate information has been provided.

“To overcome these concerns, you should provide further information in your planning application regarding flood risk and groundwater protection.

“If this information is not provided, we may object to the planning application when formally consulted by the planning authority.”

Consultants acting on behalf of the developers previously said the proposals would result in the installation of solar photovoltaic panels at a height of up to 4.6 metres.

Steps would also be taken to mitigate the risk of flooding by providing a clearance level of two metres above the ground.

The consultants said the scheme would generate a source of "clean, renewable energy" to mitigate against climate change and provide an additional source of revenue for the landowner.

Comments on the application can be made to Cheshire West and Chester Council via the council's planning portal site.