Wrexham Foodbank has made an appeal to the public as demand continues to rise in the city. 

Every month of 2022 has seen a rise in referrals to Wrexham Foodbank, and they are in need of donations of specific items in order to continue to provide emergency food parcels for local people in crisis.

The foodbank, which opened in Wrexham ten years ago by members of local churches, has fed and supported almost 4,000 people in the first six months of 2022.

As well as three day’s worth of food, people that do not have enough money to buy food for various reasons can receive toiletries, cleaning products, pet food and nappies.

Alongside these essential items there is always a trained volunteer available to offer a listening ear and friendly advice on where to turn to for further help available.

Project Manager, Sally Ellinson says, “Our vision is for a Wrexham where everyone has the money to afford the essentials in life, and where Wrexham Foodbank is no longer needed. 

READ MORE: I visited a foodbank warehouse and I was staggered with what I found out

"We are campaigning for local and national government policies to better protect people from being unable to afford the essentials – but until that happens we are dedicated to providing practical, financial and relational support alongside our referral partners in Wrexham.

“The community of Wrexham continue to be extremely generous in donating both food and funds to us and we really appreciate the support. However, there are specific items that we are buying in each week now and so I am asking any individuals or groups that traditionally donate to us at Christmas to think about giving now rather than waiting until the end of the year – have Christmas in July!”

READ MORE: Students forced to use food banks as cost of living crisis hits


Items that are needed at this time are: tinned tomatoes, tinned rice pudding, tinned fruit, coffee, tomato pasta sauce, UHT milk, fruit juice cartons, and tinned fish.

Donations can be taken to the foodbank warehouse on the Puleston Industrial Estate (open Tuesdays and Fridays 10-3) or in most supermarket stores.

Financial donations can be given in at the warehouse or via PayPal online at www.wrexham.foodbank.org.uk