A MULTI-vehicle smash that caused serious injuries came about because a man and woman were "racing" each other to a pub, a court heard.

Ryan Billingsley, of Terrig Street in Queensferry, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Wednesday alongside co-defendant Natasha Leigh Price, of Brighton Road in Rhyl.

Billingsley, 30, had previously admitted drink and drug driving with no insurance, as well as causing injury by dangerous driving, while 27-year-old Price had been convicted at an earlier hearing of causing injury by dangerous driving.

Simon Mintz, prosecuting, said on November 28 last year, the pair had been "racing each other" between two pubs in Connah's Quay.

They were in two groups, the court heard, but had left the Clwyd Pub at the same time after deciding to go to the Halfway House.

Billingsley had been drinking and had taken enough cocaine for the by-product of the drug to be present in his blood.

He also was not insured to drive his vehicle.

Price was in front, followed by Billingsley, whose vehicle appeared to be "erratic" with wheels spinning and some skidding.

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Both carried passengers and drove at excessive speed, with Billingsley trying several times to overtake Price.

"If someone had stepped out," Mr Mintz said, "they'd have had no chance of stopping at that speed."

A multi-vehicle collision followed moments later when Price saw they were rapidly bearing down on another car and three cyclists heading in the direction of the Custom House pub.

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The motorist near the cyclists felt a massive "bang" on her vehicle and saw Price pass her at speed, spinning in the road to face her.

What had happened, Mr Mintz explained, was that Price had pulled out to avoid the motorist in front of her as the same time Billingsley had tried to overtake her.

They collided and Price lost control, hitting the other motorist, while Billingsley drove head on into the pub itself, causing damage.

Billingsley's car was so badly damaged that he and his passengers had to be removed by firefighters.

All of his passengers were injured but one in particular, named Ryan Evans, sustained multiple wounds - including fractures to ribs, neck, scapula, a collapsed lung and significant head and facial wounds.

Billingsley also sustained numerous fractures and required several surgeries.

He was tested in hospital and found to be just over twice the legal limit for alcohol, as well as having the cocaine by-product in his body.

The Leader: Ryan Billingsley (Image: North Wales Police)Ryan Billingsley (Image: North Wales Police)

Dafydd Roberts, defending Billingsley, said: "Ryan Billingsley has done everything he can to turn his life around.

"He had a problem drinking to excess - that's no longer a problem.

"It's moderated and he's free from controlled drugs."

He said his client had managed to obtain employment as a garage manager and has a young family including four children who depend on his income.

Jo Maxwell, defending Price, said: "She is only too aware of the consequences of their actions that night."

But the defending barrister said Price had made "no prior agreement" to race Billingsley, and that she first became aware of the co-defendant when she saw his headlight "extremely close" to her rear bumper.

"She panicked and continued to accelerate," Jo Maxwell said.

"And certainly a mitigating feature for her - she was not under the influence of any intoxicating substances.

"She went to the immediate assistance of all at the scene and provided assistance as best she could.

"She's a single mum with two young children who rely on her solely. She works extremely hard as the manager of a bar at a golf club."

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The court heard Billingsley had previous convictions for motoring offences, but Price did not.

Judge Niclas Parry told the pair: "You don't need me to tell you that you could have killed someone. You could have killed yourselves.

"You were showing off and had no regard for the safety of other road users or passengers.

"Mr Billingsley - it's clear that the occupants of your vehicle were lucky to survive."

The Judge jailed Billingsley for 12 months, concluding the offence was "far too serious" to be suspended in his case.

He disqualified Billingsley for three years and six months, after which the defendant must take an extended retest before he can drive again.

Price received a 12 month custodial sentence, but Judge Parry suspended it for two years.

She must undertake 150 hours of unpaid work and up to 35 hours on an accredited programme.

The Judge banned her from driving for two years and ordered her to pay a victim surcharge of £156.

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