A FLINTSHIRE family was advised to move after police found drugs hidden throughout their home.

Geoffrey Roberts, of Connah's Quay, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Wednesday.

The 31-year-old had previously admitted possession with intent to supply cannabis, the offence having taken place in 2021.

Emmalyne Downing, prosecuting, said that on February 19 of that year, police attended Roberts' home to execute a search warrant.

After initially struggling to gain entry, the officers were let in by the defendant, who said all he had was "a bit of weed" and gave them a small tub.

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Roberts, who lived at the property with his children and his partner, handed over a phone while a search of the home continued.

In a "wendy house" in the garden, a drawstring bag was discovered.

Inside it, police found a vacuum bag of cannabis.

The Leader: Mold Crown CourtMold Crown Court (Image: Staff)

More of the drug was found inside a wooden panel at the property, as well as within a firepit.

The maximum potential value of the cannabis seized was over £6,000.

When the phone was examined, officers found "dealing messages" both in the device's outgoing and incoming folders.

After Judge Niclas Parry confirmed he had a non-immediate custodial punishment in mind - pending a favourable pre-sentence report - defending barrister Andrew Green opted to add no further comments on behalf of his client.

The Judge told the defendant: "You've got a bad record. You're young and you've committed 58 offences.

"In 2017, you were involved in drug dealing. On this occasion we are talking about a significant amount of cannabis.

"But I am satisfied from inquiries made by the police and authorities that your role is a lesser one.

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"You were acting under pressure and such had been the concerns about your safety that you and your family have been advised to move."

Judge Parry Jailed him for 10 months, but suspended the sentence for two years.

The defendant must undertake 25 days of rehabilitation activity and will be subject to a curfew until the beginning of August.

A forfeiture and destruction order was made in respect of the drugs and Roberts was ordered to pay a £156 victim surcharge. 

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