AN ‘alarming’ number of people lost confidence in their appearance after two years of wearing masks and video conferencing in isolation.

Pure Perfection Clinic in Rossett, experienced a surge in feedback from patients who became used to “hiding away” behind face coverings and abandoned skincare and beauty routines after being in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Award-winning owner Sara Cheeney, from Llangollen, said a return to face-to-face meetings, no social distancing and getting back to the workplace left many clients feeling self-conscious after covering up for so long.

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“We have had an alarming number of patients come back to us in past months who say they dreaded endless video conferencing meetings because they were not used to looking at their own face all day,” she added.

“Given so many of us were in lockdown and had to mask up in public it’s quite understandable there would be some anxiety, and that has been the case for some people.

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“It is a physical issue but also a state of mind; if confidence is low and you are worried about the way you look it can have a wider impact – this was an unprecedented time for all sectors and each one has navigated challenges never experienced previously.”

The Leader: The clinic is based in Rossett.The clinic is based in Rossett.

Clinic Manager Marianne Burrell said they have never been busier.

“In past months we have seen more and more bookings, which after such a tumultuous period is very positive,” she said.

“The next step is to consolidate and then grow steadily, with plans for long-term expansion and new treatments, as well as national training programmes.

“Above all, the health and happiness of our patients is paramount, so to see them refocus on their own wellbeing and return with smiles on their faces and renewed optimism is fantastic.