An active ageing charity is launching its home care and support service in Wrexham, after gaining Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) registration.

The Rainbow Foundation's new home care service builds on their award-winning day opportunities service which has been operating for 28 years, and is in direct response to the local care crisis across South Wrexham.

Geraldine Vaughan, operational manager, said: "Maureen Lloyd, 91, found herself stuck in hospital for 10 months due to a lack of home care provision in rural Wrexham to support her to return home.

"This is something we’d like to change. We hope our new home care service will raise the profile of what excellent home care looks like whilst also responding to the local care crisis.

"We’d like to help more people like Maureen to maintain their independence and either return home from hospital quickly or to remain out of hospital in the first place."

Geraldine added: "Expanding our services into home care has given us the opportunity to provide wrap around care to our existing clients who access many of our other services.

"This provides them with a real choice of options in quality care closer to home and within their local community, whilst at the same time reducing loneliness and isolation."

Risha Newport, the Rainbow Foundation's registered manager said: "Becoming CIW registered has enabled us to expand our services into home care and support, and will allow us to help people living across our local rural communities where limited home care options are available.

"We hope that by taking our Social Care Wales award-winning service to the doors of the people in our communities, it will allow us to support people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible and ensure they have the right support to get ready for the day ahead.

"There are also benefits to staff working across both the day opportunities and home care services, they can get to know clients really well, so the home care visit is more relaxed and trust is established."

Maureen’s daughter Denise adds: "It’s wonderful to know mum is finally getting the care she needs by staff who know her well and understand what matters to her."

The Rainbow Foundation's Home Care and Support service operates from 7am-10pm, seven days a week.

The service works alongside their existing Day Opportunities Service, running from wellbeing hubs in Marchwiel, Penley and Chirk.

Their community transport service, Rainbow Meals, and a range of support groups and services to provide a complete package of care for residents of South Wrexham. To find our more visit