A WREXHAM drug dealer was 'pressured' into selling cannabis by her partner, a court heard.

Marika Hutchinson, aged 26 and of Daniels Drive in Ruabon, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Thursday for sentence.

The mum-of-two had previously been convicted of being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

Myles Wilson, prosecuting, told the court police searched the home she shared with then-partner Joshua Davies in February 2020.

Her phone was seized and on it police found incoming and outgoing texts showing she was involved in the supply of cannabis.

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Officers also found 13g of the substance at the address.
Davies was sentenced for supplying class A and B drugs earlier this year, the court heard.

The Leader: Her offences came to light after police checked her phoneHer offences came to light after police checked her phone

Mr Wilson said while her role was not as significant as her partner's she had nevertheless played an "operational role."
Oliver King, defending, said Hutchinson had felt intimidated by

her partner, with him having even "infiltrated" her social media to sell drugs.

She had "no control" in the situation, he said, and had expressed her willingness to work with probation officers.

Judge Nicola Saffman told her: "Whether you like the words or not, you were a street dealer - a drug dealer.

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"But on balance this tips just into a lesser role.

"You got into this because of your partner at the time and you were engaged by pressure."

The Judge handed down a 12 month community order including 35 days of rehabilitation activity.

Hutchinson must also pay a victim surcharge of £90.

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