A PLASTERER has avoided jail after refusing to let a woman leave his home and subjecting her to an abusive drunken "rant" before punching her.

John Paul Jones, of Water Street in Denbigh, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday.

The 49-year-old had previously been convicted of assaulting and unlawfully imprisoning Christine Bower against her will, which occurred at his home on January 19.

David Mainstone, prosecuting, said the 39-year-old victim had known the defendant for around 15 years and they became closer in the 12 months leading up the offence.

She classed him as a friend. He wanted the relationship to be more, but she'd made it clear that wasn't what she wanted.

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On the night of the offence they had been to a pub in Denbigh and had returned to his home where they ate a takeaway and consumed more drinks.

Later in the evening, Ms Bower told Jones she wished to leave - after which his mood changed.

He became angry and kept telling her he had lost the key to his door, which she knew he was lying about.

The Leader: Mold Crown CourtMold Crown Court (Image: NQ)

When she tried to leave through the back door, he prevented her from doing so.

Before long, he began to degrade her - asking her if she was a "crack whore."

She agreed, the court heard, "out of fear."

Ms Bower recorded part of the incident on her phone.

In footage played to the court, she can be seen repeatedly asking the defendant to let her out of the property, but he does not. 

He asked her numerous times if she loved him.

After some time, she managed to get out of the back door but Jones punched her in the face, causing her to fall and hit a bike on her way down.

She badly grazed her knee and lost two nails - with Jones repeatedly striking her to the head and face.

The court heard he had a previous conviction for assaulting a previous partner, who was pregnant, by punching her in the face.

Simon Rogers, defending, told the court: "In the video, when he's ranting, he does make reference, saying the complainant didn't love him.

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"There's no doubt the defendant had feelings towards her and they were unrequited.

"When I showed him the video he became extremely upset - he struggled to watch it and he could not understand why he behaved in such an appalling way.

"He is someone who not only needs intervention, but would clearly benefit from it."
Judge Nicola Saffman handed down an 18 month sentence, but suspended it for 18 months.

In order to protect women he may have future relationships with, the Judge added conditions including 30 days of rehabilitation activity, a 35 day programme requirement - and 300 hours of unpaid work by way of punishment.

He must also pay a contribution of £500 towards prosecution costs and a £156 victim surcharge.

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