A woman from Wrexham, currently out volunteering in Poland has spoken about her first experiences of the Ukraine crisis. 

Chloe Robinson, flew out to Przemysl, a city on the Polish/Ukrainian border, last week and is being joined by her mum Claire. 

The pair set up a GoFundMe page to raise donations to purchase supplies, which Claire is to deliver when she finishes her drive across Europe. 

READ MORE: Wrexham's response to Ukraine crisis praised in Parliament

Chloe worked her first shift as a volunteer last week and believes she helped around 1,000 Ukrainian people fleeing their war-stricken country. 

She said: "I worked a night shift 9pm-4am and probably helped around 1,000 people. There’s a train directly from Ukraine every two hours filled with children, grandparents, mothers and their pets.

"The Polish people are incredible and there’s so many charities offering warm food, drinks and a smile.

"Lots of the people gave me hugs and even though I can’t speak their language and they can’t speak mine, we could still communicate.

READ MORE: Convoy full of supplies leaves Wrexham headed for Poland

"Seeing the children’s faces light up when they see all the teddies is incredible and I spoke to one lady who spoke English and she said ‘seeing you means we are safe’.

"I have mixed emotions, as they are so happy to be safe but all they have is a suitcase to live by."

The GoFundMe page which is being used to buy supplies for Ukrainian people, can be found here