A WREXHAM Glyndwr University student from Flintshire has been jailed after being found to have nearly 1,000 indecent images and videos of the most serious nature.

Tiramet Thangmandee, 25, of The Highway Hawarden, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Thursday, March 17.

He had previously appeared at Mold Magistrates on February 21 where he was convicted of both making and possessing indecent photographs and movies of children (in categories A, B and C) and being in possession of an extreme pornographic picture depicting beastiality.

Anna Price prosecuting told the court that North Wales Police first received information that photos and videos were being distributed through the Kik messenger app.

Read more: Flintshire man avoids jail after drunk and dangerous drive

They traced these back to Thangmandee's IP address and on May 27, 2021, visited his student accommodation in Wrexham.

Various devices were seized and the defendant was arrested after a laptop and mobile phone were found to contain thousands of indecent images and videos.

In what was described by the prosecution as a 'large collection of child sexual abuse images', Thangmandee was found to have 491 indecent photographs and 432 movies that fell into Category A.

He also had 297 still prohibited images and eight moving prohibited images of a child, 756 indecent still images and 119 indecent movies of a child which fell into category B.

A further 1,639 indecent still images and 73 indecent movies were rated at Category C.

The prosecution said that there were around 3,817 indecent images in total, some of which depicted children who were 'young enough to be considered babies or toddlers'.

The Leader:

PIC: Mold Crown Court.

The court heard how Thangmandee was an Aeuronautical Engineering student at Wrexham Glyndwr University, aiming to complete his first year at the third attempt.

He had been suspended from campus while awaiting sentencing.

Patrick Geddes, defending, said Thangmandee is 'a very young 25 year old who is very naive'.

He added that the defendant was 'socially isolated', even more so during the Covid-19 pandemic and that he had 'retreated online' during this time.

When sentencing Thangmandee, Judge Rhys Rowlands took the 'appalling nature' and  'sheer number' of indecent images and videos into account.

He added: "The picture I have is one of an isolated and lonely individual. His behaviour is too serious to be dealt with by anything other than a prison sentence.

"Young children up and down the country are having their lives blighted in order to satisfy the needs of depraved individuals like you."

Thangmandee was sentenced to 10 months in prison for the category A indecent images and videos but faced no separate penalty for the other offence. 

He will also spend 10 years on the sex offenders register and is the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for the same length of time.