A Wrexham horse sanctuary is celebrating 30 years as a registered charity today (Thursday, March 17).

The H.A.C.K Horse Sanctuary in Bradley has helped over 200 neglected and abandoned horses, ponies, and donkeys as well as those heading for slaughter over the past 30 years.

There is no paid staff at the sanctuary, and volunteers raise all the funds needed to keep the charity running. There are currently 17 equine residents as well as some other farm animals that have been rescued along the way.

The charity started when Pamela Bluck, the founder of the sanctuary, wanted to donate some hay to a rescue centre, but quickly realised they were doing a poor job, so set up a charity of her own.

The first rescues were called Bill and Bob, who were two little ponies rescued from dire straits. They were very wild and in need of a lot of help.

 That help was Pamela and the team. It took a lot of time and patience, but they were eventually rehomed and lived long happy lives.

Along with rescuing so many animals from terrible situations, the charity also does a lot of work in the local community.

Little Lenny the mini Shetland pony visits many schools, nursing homes, and hospices. Bringing joy and a little bit of education to everyone he meets.

The Leader: Lenny during a visit to a nursing home Lenny during a visit to a nursing home

 H.A.C.K. which also won the Leader/Airbus community award in 2018, has been to the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, and has been Mayor of Wrexham Robert Walsh's charity of the year - for all the efforts that have been made in the community and horse rescue.

The Leader: Lenny the Shetland pony celebrating H.A.C.K's Airbus/Leader awardLenny the Shetland pony celebrating H.A.C.K's Airbus/Leader award

The sanctuary is also a member of the National Equine Welfare Council and works closely with many other national charities such as World Horse Welfare and Redwings to provide a safe home for those horses, ponies, and donkeys in need.

Pamela Bluck said: “When I started in March 1992, I never thought that we would achieve all that we have, having a beautiful Sanctuary, a lovely place to be, but it wasn’t handed to us on a plate, we have worked very hard to get here, good times, bad times, and heart-breaking times, 24/7 but never giving up,”

She continued: “I couldn’t have done it without my family and all those that trusted and believed in me to get the job done and all the wonderful volunteers, past and present, I send my heartfelt thanks to them all.

“Here we are 30 years on still working hard for the welfare of the horse and still trying to raise the funds to keep this dedicated sanctuary going, which hasn’t been easy this last couple of years due to covid, but horse neglect, cruelty, and abandonment continues.”

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Pamela also thanked Prof. Derek Knottenbelt OBE VM&S, DVM&S, DipECEIM, DACVIM, MRCVS, recognised RCVS, and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine for his support and help over the years.

If you would like to donate to H.A.C.K. you can do so via www.justgiving.com/hackhorse/ The H.A.C.K. Horse Sanctuary, The Stable Yard, Mill Lane, Bradley, Wrexham. LL114DD Reg charity number 1025157