Innovative mobile technology is being used to switch on 4G in a rural Flintshire community.

Vodafone has used OpenRAN to enable it to switch on its 4G network in Halkyn.

Halkyn is the first location in the county to receive OpenRAN technology. The area has traditionally struggled to receive good quality 4G mobile coverage.

The arrival of the new technology will enable customers in the community to access reliable, fast mobile internet and calls.

The activity is part of a network modernisation programme to improve 4G and 5G experience for customers.

This will see Vodafone retiring its 3G network in 2023 and replacing coverage with strengthened 4G and 5G services, meaning customers across more parts of the UK can access a more reliable connection through the Vodafone network.

Julia Lopez, Digital Infrastructure Minister for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) said: "Any improvement to mobile coverage is good news but Vodafone's pioneering use of this cutting-edge technology is particularly welcome.

"The adoption of Open RAN is crucial to our plans to reduce the UK's reliance on just a handful of suppliers building and maintaining our telecoms networks, and we encourage other operators to follow Vodafone's lead and roll out this technology as soon as possible."

Andrea Donà, Vodafone's chief network officer in the UK, said: "This new technology is helping us to deliver 4G coverage to new areas.

"With OpenRAN, we can bring 4G coverage to some of our most remote and rural communities for the first time, helping to give more people a digital connection and closing the digital divide.

"As part of our network modernisation programme, we will continue to invest in our network across Flintshire to ensure it continues to benefit from our best network."

OpenRAN technology enables mobile operators to build new sites more cost effectively with Vodafone committing to 2,500 5G and 4G OpenRAN sites live by 2027.

Halkyn is one of the first Vodafone OpenRAN 4G sites to go live in the UK. The Welsh Showground in Builth Wells, Powys was a site first to use the technology and take commercial traffic in August 2020.

The announcement builds on other Vodafone initiatives to extend 4G and 5G services to rural communities. These include the Shared Rural Network, a £1bn joint initiative between Government and the UK's four mobile network operators to extend overall 4G coverage to 95% of the UK landmass by the end of 2025.