Flintshire will look into it's Climate Change Strategy and the progress made in delivering carbon reduction measures.

In 2019, Welsh Government called for public sector organisations to become carbon neutral by 2030 and Flintshire's Climate Change Strategy for 2022 - 2030 is aiming to meet this target.

The Climate Change Strategy identifies objectives and actions to reduce our direct carbon emissions and actions to reduce our wider emissions and those of the wider county, and the cabinet will be meeting later this month to see the progress that has been made.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Ian Roberts, said:"This is an important report and a very current issue which we all must take extremely seriously. Responsibility for this lies, not only with the Cabinet, but collectively will all members of the Council – working towards a more sustainable future for us all."

Flintshire's Lead Member for Climate Change, Cllr Sean Bibby, said: "By working to achieve these goals, Flintshire County Council can make its contribution to tackling the climate emergency and a net zero Wales by 2050 as well as achieving our own well-being goals. As climate change and the environment are intrinsically linked the Council will also deliver on its legal responsibilities to maintain and enhance biodiversity."