Winter of Wellbeing

There is a growing body of emerging evidence on the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions on children and young people aged 0-25. The Welsh Government want to support our future generation with their social, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing over the winter months. Wrexham Library and Information Service has received funding to support these young people by providing relevant and age appropriate activities. A full programme will be delivered throughout February and March; some activities will be open to the general public and other activities will be tailored for specific groups. They will take places in all of our libraries. Watch this space and our social media channels for more details. If you would like to know more about this project then please visit the website

Xplore! at your local library

Come and join us for half term fun with interactive sessions from Xplore! the science discovery centre. If you are aged between three and 12 you can choose to join one of three sessions: Construction - Become engineers and builders; Your Body - build a skeleton and investigate your organs using augmented reality; Astronaut Training - have you got what it takes to become an astronaut? These sessions will run in nine of Wrexham's libraries and will be free of charge. Booking your place is essential; please note you will not be allowed entry without having booked your place, and places are limited. For more information about these sessions and about the Winter of Wellbeing project, call your local library or check our our social media channels.

Environmental Art Workshops

Tim Pugh is an environmental artist who is involved in the ongoing practice of constructing sculptures and sketching out drawings that make use of natural materials and a wide range of mixed media. Materials such as leaves, pebbles and branches are arranged into two and three dimensional shapes, patterns and forms. Tim will be doing special environmental art workshops in Chirk, Ruabon, Gwersyllt and Wrexham libraries using dried leaves as the inspiration for his work. If you are aged seven-10 and would like to join in these amazing free sessions as part of our Winter of Wellbeing season then please contact the library directly to reserve your place. Booking is essential.

Wellbeing Book for Children

Are you aged between seven and 11 (Years 3 to 6) and enjoy writing and poetry? Join us in the creation of a Wellbeing Book - written for young people, by young people. You will attend three workshops where we will explore mindfulness through creative writing and poetry exercises. Workshops will be delivered in Welsh by poet and writer Sara Louise Wheeler and in English by Writer and Library Assistant Emily Ashworth. Welsh sessions will take place at Rhos Library and English sessions at Wrexham Library. Starting mid February! For more information and to book your place call Rhos Library on 01978 840328 or Wrexham Library on 0978 292090.

Knit and Natter

Knitting isn't just about creating new cardigans or socks; research has found it can reduce depression and anxiety, slow down the onset of dementia, distract from chronic pain and can lower your heart rate by 11 beats per minute. Throw in a dollop of a good old natter in a comfortable and relaxed environment and you could be on your way to improving your health and wellbeing. Knit and Natter sessions are now taking place in Brynteg, Cefn Mawr, Coedpoeth, Ruabon and Rhos libraries on a weekly basis. So whether you're a beginner or an experienced knitter why not join these groups, where a warm welcome and a cup of tea awaits you?

Adolygiad Llyfr

The Other You gan J S Monroe

The Other You by J S Monroe

The Other You by J S Monroe

Dyma'r llyfr cyntaf i mi ei ddarllen gan yr awdur hwn, ac ni chafodd fy siomi! Roeddwn i'n meddwl ei fod yn syniad gwreiddiol ar gyfer plot (o leiaf nid wyf wedi darllen unrhyw beth tebyg iddo o'r blaen), adnabyddwyr wynebau uwch sy'n fwy cywir na rhaglenni cyfrifiadurol, ac sy'n cynorthwyo'r heddlu yn eu hymchwiliadau gyda pheth llwyddiant. Mae'n amlwg bod angen i'r troseddwyr ddileu'r adnabyddwyr er mwyn amddiffyn eu gweithgareddau anghyfreithlon. Mae'r llyfr hefyd yn delio â doppelgangers, ac mae'r prif gymeriad Kate yn pendroni a yw ei phartner wedi cael ei ddisodli gan rywun arall. Maen nhw'n dweud bod gan bawb doppelganger rhywle yn y byd! Roeddwn i'n meddwl ei bod yn stori hynod sinistr, gyda phlot a thro diddorol. Darlleniad da iawn.