A MAGNIFICENT hoard of Roman coins found by a member of the Mold Historical Search Society has been described as extremely rare by heritage experts.

The coins, known as the Gobowen Hoard, were discovered in Gobowen, near Oswestry, on September 8, 2019 by Darren Booth.

Mr Booth immediately reported his remarkable find to Shropshire Museums and the Portable Antiques Scheme.

A team led by experts, Peter Reavill from the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme and Dr Susie White, went to recover the hoard of 337 silver coins.

Mr Reavill said: “Hoards of coins are what everyone thinks of as treasure but are amazingly rare from Shropshire.

“I am hugely grateful to the finder and his metal detecting club for following best practice guidelines of stopping digging and calling for help.”

The Leader: The coinsThe coins

During the inquest held at Shirehall, Shrewsbury, Senior Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Coroner, John Ellery said Mr Booth acted responsibly in contacting authorities.

This incredible hoard is believed to have been placed in the group in AD69 to AD 70 during the rule of Emperor Vespasian.

Even more incredible, the hoard included coins which dated back as early as the times of the Roman Republic in 209BC.

The coins were found corroded and they were sent to the British Museum to be cleaned and investigated.

Many of the silver coins were found to be in reasonable condition despite the corrosion.

Having been declared as treasure at the inquest, the coins will be valued and available for Shropshire Museums to display.

The Leader: Peter Reavill helps to uncover the coinsPeter Reavill helps to uncover the coins

Fay Bailey, head of Shropshire Museums and archives, added: “The Gobowen Hoard is important evidence of early Roman military activity in the area.

“The quality work of the Portable Antiquities Scheme and Mold Historical Search Society, has meant that the hoard was carefully recovered, excavate and researched.

“Working alongside our curators and colleagues at the British Museum the additional information this has secured means that the hoard provides a fascinating case study for future displays.”

Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for communities, culture, leisure and tourism, and transport, said: "We are delighted the hoard has been so well preserved and they are valuable for the information they have given."