A DEESIDE woman is holding safeguarding classes after the tragic murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson.

Arthur, aged six, died from a brain injury after a prolonged period of torture and abuse from his father and step-mother.

The Leader: Arthur Labinjo-Hughes

Star was only 16 months old when she died of "utterly catastrophic" injuries resulting from horrendous physical abuse from her mother, and her partner.

The murders shocked the nation, and raised questions of how it was allowed to happen.

The Leader: Star HobsonStar Hobson

Like everyone else, Jane Bellis was horrified. Determined to keep local children safe, she advertised free safeguarding classes.

"It's my aim to create 50 local safeguarding champions by the end of February," said Jane, from Hawarden.

"These horrific cases should not have been missed by so many. There will be an enquiry and recommendations made - but this is not good enough for these poor babies.

"Things needs to change. Everybody needs training and the education and awareness to spot the signs and to have the signposting available to know what to do and who to contact if they are concerned."

She added: "The threshold for statutory services to get involved and their conduct also needs to be brought into question and things need to be reviewed and changed.

"But in the mean time we can take action as individuals and arm ourselves with the knowledge that we need to protect children and adults at risk."

Jane decided on a career change in 2014 - after 25 years in the fashion, beauty and media industry. She retrained in psychology, mental health and human behaviour.

She said: "I set up Art and Soul Tribe CIC (community interest company) back in 2016 and we have been running events, shows and community projects ever since around creative arts intervention for Mental Health issues, low self-esteem and suicide prevention.

"So that led me to add Safeguarding and First Aid for Mental Health Instructor training to my CV so that I could start to formally teach the related qualifications as preventative measures, as well as do the front line intervention work."

Jane, a mum-of-four, has been inundated with responses, with 120 people signing up. Until she secures more funding to help cost, she can teach 50 people.

"We've not just had lots of parents and members of the public sign up, but also a lot of teachers and community group leaders that work with children, young people and vulnerable adults," she said.

She is running the level 1 (half day) and level 3 (full day) courses so people can get the vital knowledge and certificate at the end.

Jane said: "People will learn all about what safeguarding means, different kinds of abuse, what to look out for and how to report things that are of concern.

"The level 1 is mainly awareness and suitable for everyone and the level 3 is more advanced and contains more about roles and responsibilities, partnership working, and more in depth cade studies."