ANOTHER local business which supports a vital charity says it will be hit hard by the new Covid measures coming into force in Wales after Christmas.

New Covid restrictions are to be introduced in Wales from Boxing Day.

The measures are a revised version of Alert Level Two to respond to the new Omicron variant and are designed to help keep businesses open and trading and protect customers and staff.

The Leader:

The regulations bring back protections in hospitality businesses, including licensed premises, and in cinemas and theatres when they re-open after the festive period.

While the measures are intended to keep Wales safe in the face of the rising number of cases of the Omicron variant, it is a bitter blow at traditionally the busiest time of the year for businesses that have faced almost two years of lockdowns and uncertainty.

Llay Miners Welfare, known as the Welly, says the impact will be huge.

After the latest measures were announced, the Welly posted on its Instragram page.

The message said: "Like many other businesses in hospitality, we are so disappointed and frustrated that the Welsh government have announced further restrictions, which will greatly impact on us financially.

"The Welfare Institute is not just a business, it’s a subsidiary to the welfare charity which provides sporting and social activities. We desperately rely on the revenue of the ‘pub’ to sustain our charity."

The venue has had to cancel events such as the Declan Swans on December 27, which it hopes to reschedule when possible.

The statement adds: "We will now have to add extra staff on each shift to accommodate table service, which increases our wage bill. This coupled with the need to cancel various events that we now can’t hold, will result in a massive loss of revenue.

"Unfortunately this just isn’t sustainable and as such we have had to make the very difficult decision to reduce some of our opening hours.

"We are asking all of our customers to support us as much as possible over the coming months if you do feel comfortable coming out to socialise with us.

"We would also ask that everyone continues to be kind and patient with our staff, especially whilst these restrictions are in place. No one wants to be the fun police - but we do have to ensure we are following the rules (once again), so we don’t run the risk of being fined.

"Your support is very much appreciated as ever - we managed to make it through the last two difficult years because of our very loyal customers."

The measures have also seen the pantomimes at Mold's Theatr Clwyd and the Stiwt in Rhos cancelled after Christmas Day.