A WREXHAM man assaulted police officers after drinking too much on a post-lockdown night out, a court heard.

Owen Young, 32, of Hazel Grove, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

He admitted two counts of assault against an emergency worker, as well as obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty.

Helen Hall, prosecuting, said during the early hours of May 18 this year, police officers were called to the defendant's home.

Young was "irate," swearing and raising his voice - telling them "get out of my f****** flat."

A door was slammed against an officer's arm with some force.

The defendant was captor sprayed in the face and restrained with handcuffs but he clenched, eyes "bulging out of his face," shouting abuse "vehemently" at the officers with clenched fists.

When told he was being arrested for assaulting an officer, he said "I'll show you assault," while struggling and lurching.

Further restraints were placed on his body to prevent him from lashing out, but he shouted "I'll spit in your f****** face."

Officers put a spit guard over his head to stop him from following through with the threat.

When questioned he initially denied the offences.

The court saw police body cam footage of the incident, after which probation officer Andrew Connah said: "He accepts to have been behaving in an appropriate and aggressive manner and he appears to show remorse for his behaviour.

"He tells me police should not be expected to deal with individuals behaving in the way he did.

"He does tell me he was heavily under the influence of alcohol and he doesn't believe he would have behaved in that way if he wasn't.

"He'd been out with a friend for the first time since lockdown and he drank far too much.

"He came home, argued with his partner and you have seen the results."

Mr Connah said the defendant "fully accepts" he needs to address his alcohol consumption, but he is not dependent on it.

The magistrates handed down a community order of 18 months with two conditions; a 120 day alcohol abstinence monitoring order and 20 days of rehabilitation activity.

Young was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £95 victim surcharge.